Garden Club of Woodbridge holds holiday celebrations

The Garden Club of Woodbridge was busy during the holiday season.

On December 10, the club enjoyed some time at the home of a member.  In addition to lunch, four members showcased their reflective floral designs based on the theme “All that Glitters.”  

The Osborne Homestead Museum in Derby hosted holiday tours of Frances Osborne Kellogg’s home from November 29 through December 21.  Garden Clubs in CT volunteered to design rooms in the Osborne Homestead based on the theme “Eco-holiday.” Members of the Garden Club of Woodbridge brought the biome “Grasslands” to the Milk Room (photo) where Frances met milk sellers, who had interests in the Holstein-Friesian cattle bred by Frances and her husband.  The club also decorated the Porch and Ice Box Pantry. 

The designs focused on the grassland of the North American Great Plains. Trees and artistic designs made of different grass species graced the three areas along with buffalo relics and beautiful Western blankets. Garden Club of Woodbridge members who participated in decorating include Debbie Schlegel, Cindy Marien, Linda Reilly, Mary Leigh Sabshin, Mary Jane Purcell, and Mary Ann Tyma.  Lisa Flaherty-Sax and Gisele Chona (non-members, Woodbridge residents) also helped.

If interested in joining the garden club, please contact Mary Jane: [email protected]

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