Other Ways to Give

Help contribute to our success: There are a number of ways to help support our mission to encourage the enjoyment, appreciation and understanding of plants, the environment, and the art and science of gardening.

Interested in volunteering, working on a committee, or a leadership role? Email Mary Anna at [email protected].

The Connecticut Horticultural Society, founded in 1887, is an educational organization dedicated to encouraging and improving the practice of gardening and the dissemination of horticultural information to its members and the public.   

Please click here to make an online donation. We use Paypal to process donations – you don’t need a Paypal account to donate, just a debit or credit card. You’ll be able to indicate where you would like your donation to be directed: 

  • Scholarship Fund
  • Speaker Fund
  • General Expenses
  • Community Grants

Thank you for your support!

The Connecticut Horticultural Society is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Your contribution may result in additional support for CT Hort, as many companies match gifts made by their employees. Please contact your employer to obtain the necessary forms and submit them along with your contribution, and we’ll take care of the rest!

We’re kicking off a new year and a new campaign for the 2024-2025 season.

Please click here to donate. Be sure to indicate that you’d like your donation to be directed to the Scholarship Fund.

Congratulations! The UConn students who received scholarships are Kathryn Padua, Samuel Bushka, and Matt Schillberg. The Naugatuck Valley Community College students who received scholarships are Miranda Crabb and June Moulis.  Click HERE to learn more about our winners and their studies.

Congratulations! The UCONN students who received scholarships are Nicole Molloy, Carlie Ritchie, and Ana DiMauro.
The Naugatuck Valley Community College students who received scholarships are Mya Julian and Aidan Usher.
Click HERE for information about these winners and their studies.

Congratulations! The UCONN students who received scholarships are Lillian Borbas, Julie Turner, and Annabelle Caswell. Our Naugatuck Valley Community College winners are Aiden Usher and Elizabeth Grimaldi.
Click HERE for 
information about these students and their studies. 

The CT Hort Cares Grant program

The next round of grant applications will be accepted from February 15 through April 15, 2025, with grants awarded on May 1, 2025.

The CT Hort Cares Grant program expands the Society’s efforts to “encourage the enjoyment, appreciation and understanding of plants, the environment, and the art and science of gardening”– the mission of our great 136 year-old organization.

Early in 2023, the Board approved the formation of a Civic Project Committee to administer a grant program to support community efforts to educate our great state on the importance of plants and our precious environment.

There are no restrictions on who can apply, but the grant must be used on a project taking place in the state of Connecticut. The maximum amount available per grant is $500 and anyone who wishes to apply can do so during the application periods listed in the table below.

Our hope is to reach gardening enthusiasts and communities that may not currently be aware of our purpose. We wish to support and encourage grass-roots efforts to bring natural spaces and ideas to all corners of our state. We award two rounds of grants for a total of $5,000 each year.

We are also hopeful that this model will resonate with donors who will decide to support the CT Hort Cares grant program.

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Connecticut Horticultural Society. With only two part-time employees, we rely heavily on the hands of dozens of helping volunteers to be able to offer a season of professional speakers, educational workshops, Spring Plant Sale & Auction, trips, biennial Symposium, and more.

Please consider adding your talents and time to the mix, whether on a one-time or ongoing basis. Your board of directors and fellow CT Hort members welcome your efforts and thank you in advance.

Please contact Office Administrator Mary Anna Martell at 860-529-8713 or [email protected].

Continued vitality and excellence in the years ahead will depend in large part on the size of the Connecticut Horticultural Society’s endowment. Building a strong endowment requires a flow of funds from people who care about CT Hort’s future and wish to help ensure its well being. Planned gifts during life or bequests upon death will help continue the work of CT Hort.

Bequests need not be large, for it is the cumulative effect of many gifts that will ensure the Society’s future. There are many ways to make a planned gift. The best choice depends on individual circumstances. Some options to consider are lifetime donations, memorial gifts, gifts of appreciated securities or life insurance, gifts by will (bequests), and charitable remainder trusts.

To discuss making a gift, please contact Dick Kaminski, Treasurer.

A gift or bequest to the Connecticut Horticultural Society is deductible for income and estate tax purposes to the extent allowed by law. Anyone considering such a gift should consult with a lawyer, financial adviser, or accountant who is knowledgeable in the area of charitable giving.

Connecticut Horticultural Society accepts gifts of appreciated securities, which are sold upon receipt to support the Society’s mission.

A gift of stock provides significant benefits to the donor, including charitable tax deduction and savings on capital gains taxes.

To make a gift of appreciated stock, please contact Dick Kaminski, Treasurer. 

A gift or bequest to the Connecticut Horticultural Society is deductible for income and estate tax purposes to the extent allowed by law. Anyone considering such a gift should consult with a lawyer, financial adviser, or accountant who is knowledgeable in the area of charitable giving.

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