Woodbridge Garden Club holds succulent plant workshop

President Debbie Schlegel and member Sharon de Kadt taught a group of Garden Club of Woodbridge members the “how-tos” of succulent gardening at the January meeting (see photo). A multitude of succulents were available for members’ use: chandelier, ghost, and lace aloe were among plants ready for potting. Caring for the plants per Debbie and Sharon: use succulent/cactus soil, always go easy on watering, unglazed terra cotta planters work very well, pots must have drainage holes, and sun keeps colors vibrant.  Pots, plants, dirt and colorful pebbles were supplied, and every member went home with an attractive succulent potted plant.

George Bugbee was the guest speaker at the club’s February meeting. He’s from the CT Agricultural Experiment Station, and is an expert in soil fertility, potting media, composting and the use of composted biosolids in horticulture  His presentation was “Improving Soil in Home Gardens,” and it was very educational.

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