Award-winning speaker, garden designer, consultant, and author Kerry Ann Mendez’s spring seminar series continues April 18 with “Time-Saving, Sustainable Maintenance Strategies for Lush Flower Gardens.”
Click here to learn more about her.
The one-hour webinar includes pages of lecture notes and a CEU form for Master Gardeners and Green Industry Professionals. The webinar is on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. ET, and is only $13.95. Registrants do not have to attend the live broadcast! Within 72 hours of the broadcast, registrants will receive an email with the video link. The videos can be viewed anytime, as often as wished.
CT Hort members: sign up and a portion of your registration fee will go towards CT Hort’s scholarship funds!
April 1 Time-Saving, Sustainable Maintenance Strategies for Lush Flower Gardens
This info-packed lecture covers seasonal maintenance tasks, including jump-starting gardens in spring and putting them to bed in the fall, as well as routine tasks such as watering and weeding. Topics include pruning; fertilizers; mulch; plant divisions; planet-friendly pest and disease practices; critter management and more. Most appropriate for gardeners in Hardiness Zones 3 – 7.
Click here to register.