Federated Garden Clubs of CT “Lovely Garden Awards” need submissions by Aug. 15

The Federated Garden Clubs of CT’s Lovely Garden Award Deadline is August 15!
The Penny Jarvis Lovely Garden Award Committee will be accepting award nominations until August 15. In the spirit of its benefactor, the award is presented to someone who has a love of gardening. 
The Lovely Garden Award Committee encourages you to nominate your own lovely garden, or another FGCCT club member’s garden! The nominated garden is visited within two weeks and is critiqued by members of the committee. The committee tallies the votes and reports its decision to the FGCCT Awards Chair. The FGCCT Gardening Council will donate money to a charitable organization of the award recipient’s choice and the Award winner will receive a Certificate of Recognition at the October meeting, with mention made of their choice of charity. 
Go to https://ctgardenclubs.org/lovely-garden-award-nomination.

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