Register now for the Northeast Regional Plant Symposium

The Perennial Plant Association & Massachusetts Horticultural Society present the 2023 Northeast Regional Plant Symposium on August 24 at Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Garden at Elm Bank in Wellesley, M.

The day-long event features talks from four regional plant experts: Andrew Brand (Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens), Marie Chieppo (ProfessionalEcoPlantPlans, LLC), Uli Lorimer (Native Plant Trust), and John Magee (Magee Design). Registration includes a continental breakfast, catered lunch, and full access to the Garden at Elm Bank.

More information on the speaker’s talks is listed below and at

Let’s Talk About This
John Magee
Ecological responsibility and landscape design have finally intersected and now go hand-in-hand. The demand and goals of public and private gardens alike, are to strive to be more sustainable and wildlife friendly. How can the horticulture industry support the shift to avoid invasive species and the damage they can do? How can we better design our landscapes to evade the pitfalls of potential ecological collapse? John will start by showing examples of invasive species that have escaped cultivation and the ecological ramifications they can cause, then share beautiful garden designs with more native plants, and natural areas for inspiration. We can make a difference, and still have gorgeous designs, so let’s talk about this!

Spectacular Native Plants: Beauty and Biodiversity of the Northeast
Andrew Brand
Landscapes today are all too often composed of mostly exotic species from around the world. While such landscapes may be aesthetically pleasing, they typically do not support the diversity of species that is found in properties made up mostly of native species. The popularity of native plants has grown leaps and bounds recently and rightfully so. They’re tough and durable, demonstrate good resistance to drought, insects, and disease, provide food and habitat for wildlife, and they’re beautiful. Andy will present a selection of native plants describing their attributes, habitat needs and the important roles they play in increasing biodiversity in our yards.

Spoiled for Choice: Becoming an Informed Consumer of Native Plants
Uli Lorimer
With such a dizzying array of choices on the market, making informed decisions on what to plant can be daunting. With new cultivars and selections still driven by aesthetics, how do ecologically conscious gardeners decide what is best for their gardens and for local ecosystems? Mother nature’s designs are often best for wildlife but not always. This talk seeks to illuminate the issues regarding native species, cultivars, selections and hybrids, while balancing concerns about genetic diversity, climate change and personal choice.

Let your Landscape Work for You: Designing for Resilience and Sustainability
Marie Chieppo
Last summer’s extreme heat and drought followed by this winter’s unusually warm temperatures has created a surge of demand for native species. When they are planted in the proper conditions, native plants are inherently tolerant of stressors. We can enhance the overall sustainability on our properties with design techniques that utilize plant’s structure, size and growth habits. Knowing how a plant reproduces can help create carpets of green mulch that replace the annual need for regular mulch. Weed pressure is drastically reduced and wildlife benefits from a ground layer of food and habitat. We will discuss such examples and more.

You will learn about:
•The natural processes that support the health and vibrancy of our gardens.
•Design techniques that utilize plants size, form and means of reproduction to reduce the use of resources.
•How we can incorporate native plants into our existent landscapes.

Go to to register.

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